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Static Analyzer by Oleh Fedorenko (Rus)
Using Svace static analysis tool in Samsung environments
ИСП РАН — Статический анализ и жизненный цикл безопасного ПО (Елена Вандакурова)
Variadic templates and Fold expressions Oleksandr Vershynin (Rus)
Making Harlem Shake (Airsoft Paintball Edition)
CppCon 2018: Viktor Kirilov “Interactive C++ Compilation (REPL) Done in a Tiny and Embeddable Way”
AmsterdamJS Meetup: Build Own Framework and Static Code Analysis
CppCast Episode 201: Pattern Matching with Michael Park
Ubuntu: Does Cppcheck has a gui for ubuntu 14.04?
2021 LLVM Dev Mtg “Enabling Interactive C++ with Clang”